Articles tagged with "Events"
Demystifying the Boardroom, part 2
IWF UK Board Member and Treasurer Jeannette Lichner delivered Part II of the workshop “Demystifying the Boardroom” on the 27th of July where she provided an insider’s view on why you might want to become a NED and how to align your interests and talents to the organisation that’s right for you.

The Imperative of Inclusion
Addressing one of the pillars of IWF’s mission to champion equality worldwide, UK Chair Julie Goldstein hosted a compelling conversation with Vice Chair Alison Maitland and Rebekah Steele, co-authors of INdivisible. Their research and case studies demonstrate that “inclusion benefits everyone, and everyone has a role to play in advancing it.”

How businesses can respond to climate change
An article in New York Magazine which was the forerunner to the book ‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ changed Julie Baddeley’s life forever. This month she’s celebrating the first anniversary of Chapter Zero, the organisation she founded with other passionate volunteers to enable board members to take ownership of the climate challenge.
Demystifying the Boardroom, Part 1
IWF UK Board Member and Treasurer Jeannette Lichner presented a robust and insightful session on 16 June on how boards work, directors’ responsibilities, and how to manage interpersonal dynamics.

The world of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
IWF UK members were given a window onto the world of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence in a session on 18 May led by Maria Minaricova, a prominent mentor & advisor on the development of smart technologies.