Past events

Monthly drop-in call with Sylvana Caloni

Monthly drop-in call with Sylvana Caloni

What woman of colour has inspired you?
IWF UK Breakfast with Dame Lesley Regan

IWF UK Breakfast with Dame Lesley Regan

Dame Lesley will be speaking about Perimenopause and Menopause, the symptoms, how to manage them and how to thrive during this stage of life
Pre-Dinner Drinks after the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Pre-Dinner Drinks after the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Join IWF UK Company Secretary Suzanne Todd in hosting some of our international IWF sisters on their way back from Helsinki.
Lunch before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Lunch before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Join IWF UK member Elizabeth Filippouli in hosting our international IWF sisters on their way to Helsinki. Payment will be made on the day.
Breakfast before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Breakfast before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Join IWF UK member Kathryn Shiels in hosting our international IWF sisters on their way to Helsinki. Payment will be made on the day.
Pre-Dinner Drinks before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Pre-Dinner Drinks before the IWF Cornerstone Conference

Join IWF UK member Melanie Hart in hosting some of our international IWF sisters on their way to Helsinki. Payment will be made on the day.
Rescheduled In Conversation with Elisabeth Faure

Rescheduled In Conversation with Elisabeth Faure

With guest speaker Elisabeth Faure.
IWF UK Spring Reception

IWF UK Spring Reception

Do Women Chairs Make a Difference?
IWF UK Member Dine Around

IWF UK Member Dine Around

IWF UK Member Noel Herwerth, will be hosting a Dine Around at her home in Chelsea.
Monthly drop-in call with Sylvana Caloni

Monthly drop-in call with Sylvana Caloni

Share an act of kindness received or given.