Past events

IWF UK Racial Equity SIG Leadership Learning Series 2024

IWF UK Racial Equity SIG Leadership Learning Series 2024

What is “Shared Sisterhood”? How can we make it real and sustainable? To find out join the Shared Sisterhood Leadership Learning Series.
IWF UK Gathering with IWF France and IWF Ireland

IWF UK Gathering with IWF France and IWF Ireland

One Behind the Scenes and Dinner is included in the ticket price. Saturday at Browns Old Jewry (for an additional cost).
Equipping Board Directors to lead from the front towards Net Zero

Equipping Board Directors to lead from the front towards Net Zero

The IWF UK and Chapter Zero discussion group welcomes you to participate in a collaborative discussion on this important topic.
Special In Conversation with IWF Austria

Special In Conversation with IWF Austria

This month's guests are IWF Austria in honour of their 10th Anniversary celebrations in March 2024.
IUK Member Virtual Dine Around

IUK Member Virtual Dine Around

Join us for our virtual dine around with eastern and western menu options from the Oriental Club.
Zoom Coffee Klatch - evening session

Zoom Coffee Klatch - evening session

Please join IWF UK Chair Marty Rolle, to explore what the IWF UK's next generation of women leaders programme could look like.
Zoom Coffee Klatch - afternoon session

Zoom Coffee Klatch - afternoon session

Please join IWF UK Chair Marty Rolle, to explore what the IWF UK's next generation of women leaders programme could look like.
Zoom Coffee Klatch - morning session

Zoom Coffee Klatch - morning session

Please join IWF UK Chair Marty Rolle, to explore what the IWF UK's next generation of women leaders programme could look like.
Virtual Clubhouse hosted by members of the Storytelling SIG

Virtual Clubhouse hosted by members of the Storytelling SIG

What epiphany have you had in your personal or professional life?
Zoom Coffee Klatch

Zoom Coffee Klatch

Please join IWF UK Chair Marty Rolle, to explore what the IWF UK's next generation of women leaders programme could look like.