Past events

Members' Dine-Around
Members' Dine-Around are often the best way to get to know other members in the intimate setting of a member's home.
Martha (Marty) S. Wikst

IWF UK Breakfast
How will I spend the next 25 years of life and feeling vibrant, productive and happy? This is a key question many are asking, in their searc

IWF UK Breakfast
Professor Susan Vinnicombe CBE will be speaking about The Female FTSE Board Report 2017, which was co-launched with the Hampton Alexander Re

IWF UK Breakfast
Special Breakfast with IWF CEO, Stephanie O'Keefe.Stephanie O'Keefe will be spending a few days in London this January to attend meetings.

IWF UK Film Event
Following on from last year, IWF UK Board member Sally Davies has organised a special film evening at One Aldwych, with drinks and popcorn!

The Human Face of Leadership by Margaret Heffernan
Margaret Heffernan, entrepreneur, CEO and author of ‘Beyond Measure: the big impact of small changes’, ‘A Bigger Prize’: why no one wins unl

IWF UK Christmas Breakfast
Always the highlight of the year! Join members at this festive breakfast, which continues to be a wonderful opportunity to catch up with fr

Leadership for our Times
Leadership for our Times
A joint IWF UK and ELN (Emerging Leaders Network) Workshop led by IWF UK member and Partner of The Alexander Partne

Autumn Reception
This year the Autumn Reception will feature a short presentation celebrating the developments of One Loud Voice for Women - an organisation

Life on Boards - Charities
This event will focus on Charities and speakers include Lynne Berry OBE, Chair, Breast Cancer Now; Janet Cooper OBE, Trustee, RNLI; Rob Owen