Past events

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni Join Sylvana Caloni, IWF Board Member and Co-Head of the Leadership Story Committee, as she will be hosting a D
Kathryn Sullivan: Handprints on Hubble

Kathryn Sullivan: Handprints on Hubble

Event - Tuesday 21 April, 2020The Hubble Space Telescope has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. It has, among many other ach
Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni Join Sylvana Caloni, IWF Board Member and Co-Head of the Leadership Story Committee, as she will be hosting a D
Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni - April

Drop In with Sylvana Caloni Join Sylvana Caloni, IWF Board Member and Co-Head of the Leadership Story Committee, as she will be hosting a D
IWF Online Event - Nancy Glynn: How to build resilience in uncertain times

IWF Online Event - Nancy Glynn: How to build resilience in uncertain times

Women often are the rocks on which communities and families rely. In these unprecedented times, how we look after our own physical and menta
IWF UK Breakfast with Professor Dame Lesley Regan

IWF UK Breakfast with Professor Dame Lesley Regan

Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Immediate Past President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), will talk about how t
UK Members Dine Around

UK Members Dine Around

Hosted by Suzanne Todd and Kathryn Pretzel-Shiels at The Marylebone Hotel.This dine-around is an opportunity for members to meet each othe
Dana Denis-Smith: “A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”

Dana Denis-Smith: “A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”

“A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”: Founder of the First 100 Years Project, Dana Denis-Smith collaborated with fellow IWF member, Angela Holdswo
Virtual Event - Dana Denis-Smith: “A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”

Virtual Event - Dana Denis-Smith: “A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”

“A Pioneer for Women Pioneers”: Founder of the First 100 Years Project, Dana Denis-Smith collaborated with fellow IWF member, Angela Holdswo
IWF UK Spring Reception 2020

IWF UK Spring Reception 2020

The annual Spring Reception is an opportunity to connect with members and guests and engage in a broader dialogue centred on Inclusion and D