Past events
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
How does your family celebrate the festive season? Do you have any rituals or favourite foods?
IWF UK Festive Season Breakfast
Join us for a festive celebration to recognise the highlights of the past year and insights into the year ahead in this member only event.
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
This year has been a rollercoaster - what have been the upsides for you?
Conversations with Ruth Cairnie re Covid Recovery Commission - Part II
The specific question that the Commission is currently addressing is: “How can business deliver on our ambitions for the recovery?”
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
If you could edit your past, what would you change?
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
What would your superpower be?
Mental health and Wellbeing in a pandemic - a Guide for Board Directors
We will examine how Boards can help 'Build Back Better' by focusing on the challenges to mental health and wellbeing due to the pandemic
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
The day I met…. Have you met someone famous or inspiring?
Grab a coffee or make a cup of tea and join us as we meet up with our Australian IWF sisters via Zoom.
Drop-in with Sylvana Caloni
Covid-19 is a marathon not a sprint. What are you doing to pace yourself with new restrictions in place?